Sports & Leisure Bags
Shenzhen Longgang Sheng Bao Lai Leather Gift & Handbag Factory
Company History and Background
Founded: 2007
Shenzhen Longgang Sheng Bao Lai Leather Gift & Handbag Factory is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of bags, cases, and luggage. With more than 10 years experience in bag area, we have big advantages in producing high-quality bags at competitive price and providing excellent sales and after-sales service for our clients. Our factory is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of China, and occupy about 3000 square meters with more than 200 skilled workers. There are about 150 advanced machines, including sewing machines, computer stitching machines, cutting machines, staking machines, fabric inspecting machines, needle detector machines, etc. Daily output is about 3000~5000pcs for simple style bags, and 1000~2000pcs for complex style bags.