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Home China Live Chat Support

China Live Chat Support

China Webchat Services


Advantages of having Chinese Live WebChat facilities

Having a Chinese Live chat solution where Chinese buyers to your website can ask questions in Chinese, and have them answered in Chinese at local China times, will increase the chance of your products being purchased. In China businesses are compelled to use live chat as the Chinese consumer requires a variety of communication channels to communicate with your company. It is now best practice for companies in China to provide instant on-line responses to any questions or queries which Chinese buyers may have. Chinese buyers have become accustomed to this rapid and constant flow of information which means that having Live Chat support for China is a necessary addition to your customer service resources.


Benefits of having Chinese Live Webchat customer support include:

Improve Chinese Customer Satisfaction – With Chinese Live WebChat, you can maintain a Chinese sales presence on your website at the times your Chinese Customers require.

Increased China on-line Sales Conversions – Using Chinese Live WebChat helps you to close more sales as Chinese Shoppers can receive answers to their questions before they buy a product.

Decrease on-line Shopping Cart Abandonment – Chinese Live Webchat can reduce shopping Cart abandonment rates by over 40%.

Increased Upselling Prospects – Our staff can highlight to Chinese buyers who visit your website other associated products that may be of interest to them.

Transcript Copies – Receive online copies of transcripts for each chat conversation. This will enhance understanding for the Chinese Buyer.



Call us today for a price



Contact Person: Aidan Conaty

Email: sales@goodada.com

Phone:(Europe/ Rest of the World) +353 1 885 3919 ; (UK) +44.020.3287.2990 ; (North America) +1.518.290.6604


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